Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Yet another classic product not made in the USA anymore, the Lifesavers Christmas Storybook.....now made in Mexico. They don't taste the same either.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Humming birds have been gone for a couple of weeks even though it has been warm , unusually warm actually. Lot's of butterflies in the yards especially monarchs and fritillaries and sulfurs. Cross Country season is winding down, 3 meets left including the SPC. It's sad because I know that only one more season is left. Something has happened to my opening photo on the blog, I need some lessons to make this thing look consistent. my pictures morph all the time, one day they are giant, the next tiny!

I love the fall, I hope it lingers and we don't get suddenly cold and nasty. We drove to Colorado Springs/Manitou Springs over fall break (Oct. 1-4) and it was a wonderful trip. Visited Colorado College and took the cog train up Pikes Peak.

Friday, August 27, 2010

small yard, big nature!

For the small area I have, sometime I'll measure it so I know how small, I have an amazing array of wildlife to watch. HUGE dragonflies, birds galore(too many to list!), butterflies, toads, on RARE occasion a tortoise, snakes, possums, squirrels, etc.
I think if more people could appreciate the living creatures around them their lives would be better for it. I know spending a little time each day just watching what goes on around me make me feel good. Just knowing they are there whether I watch or not makes me feel good. Life goes on...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Talimena Drive Oklahoma

Talimena Drive Oklahoma, originally uploaded by aero nerd.

Most people think of "dust bowl" when Oklahoma comes to mind. Those of us who live here know the truth! What a great shot of the Talimena Drive.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Went through old photos last night. Did not even make a dent. Some drastic action needs to be taken. I need to scan everything or copy to usb. Photos from the 90's are degrading, plus I can't find anything because there are too many!!! First they all need to be put in chronological order, then I'm going to buy one of those new devices to convert slides and negatives and store them digitally. That should help. Too many things to misplace! Too many boxes to ever get organized, I would go broke buying albums. Some just need to be thrown out! I'd rather clean toilets!

Friday, July 16, 2010

I saw the first hummingbird of the summer on Marc's birthday, July 14th, enjoying my butterfly bush.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Missing Rascal terribly. Lottie keeps looking at me as if to say, "where's our buddy?"

In heaven , I suspect.

Friday, January 22, 2010


My beautiful Rascal. My dear "pupperwupper" was an inspiration to me. Such a strong little soul. I held him as Dr. Ruby eased his pain and he died surrounded by people who often cared for him and loved him too. Many of the Vet's staff came to give Rascal one last kiss or hug. Rest in Peace my dear friend. God bless you. It is unknown when he was born. He passed from this earth on January 19th, 2010. My family and I were able to spend 8 years of his life with him. He came from the rescue organization with the name Rascal and it stuck. I miss him so.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What is going on here.....first an honest to God blizzard then a 4.0 and a 3.7 earthquake!!!! Fun in OKC!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year. 2010. Survived the BLIZZARD of Christmas Eve 2009. Side streets are just now getting back to normal because it has been staying cold at night and what melts during the day refreezes into a bigger mess. No plows or sand or salt on side streets we just wait for warm temps to melt it away. Even when I lived in Buffalo NY, Syracuse NY, Apalachin NY and Norwich NY I have never seen worse conditions during a storm. I have seen much more snow, but not with that kind of wind along with it! Luckily like most Oklahoma weather it blew through in 1 day and it was beautiful and sunny Christmas day. ..on to the next Oklahoma tragedy, will it be flood? fire? maybe an earthquake, we've been having small ones all year long......!